Run the game as an administrator and it will be fixed. This bus-related article is a stub. Dual core processor with 2. Exciting physics simulation results; realistic sound results; convenient angle switching; good lighting results; detailed control buttons; intelligent AI vehicles, AI buses sometimes and you tout; otherwise ticketing system and give change; pedestrians walking in the street, passengers get off at the meeting, when approached by the station will be on the car will greet you, you will not complain Quote from Dj Noize. Psd texture in the repaint folder of the bus, so you can make your own repaint Copyright: OMSI 2 English name:

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By using this kmsi, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The majority of NG's have been retired from service in most transport companies, remaining operational mainly in private ownership or abroad.

OMSI 2 - Gothenberg Lines 19 and 1 - MB O.530 Citaro G ZF Gearbox (Morphi mod)

Frueher gab's zwei Versionen der Citaro Bussen: Low floor articulated bus. Wie mache ich das mit dem verkleinern nochmal genau????

You may release your repaints and mods everywhere, but you should post list of authors of this model. Trackbacks are an Pingbacks are an Refbacks are an Forum Rules.

MAN NG – Wikipedia

There ist just one version of every bustype. Dual core processor with 2. The new model changed the original pillar seat supports which allowed the windows in the front section to be lowered, but otherwise remained visually very similar.

This page was last edited on 4 Septemberat Quote from Dj Noize. Gelenkbus hat alle Repaints von der Solo-Version.

The door behavoir can changed by button on the cockpit. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Mercedes-Benz O530 G + O530 V2, O520 V2

Es ist jetzt Doesn't work for me. Run the game as an administrator and it will be fixed. Some bugs are fixed. Can't wait to drive it. OMSI 2 English name: For me, inside buttons are all white for all of the buses and cito itself is white. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

Psd texture in the repaint folder of the bus, so you can make your own repaint. This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. DE Art des Downloads: They are compatibility with OMSI 2. Bus Name of project: Psd datei, damit man weitere Repaints machen kann. Ist mir jetzt gerade aufgefallen. Es ist erlaubt, eigine Mods und Repaints zu erstellen, aber auf der Downloadseite soll es die Liste der Autoren des originalen Modells geben.

December 12, Official Website: In other projects Wikimedia Commons. In dieser Version gibt's nur eine Version, und das Tuerverhalten kann mit passender Taste gestellt sein.


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